Wellbeing at St John XXIII
St John XXIII Primary School Thomastown East
“Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
― Pope John XXIII
At St. John XXIII Primary School we believe that each person’s wellbeing is paramount. Wellbeing is a state of being well in mind, body and spirit. It is nurtured through experiences of belonging, building relationships, being accepted, valued and positively engaged in the community.
Fundamental beliefs in all Catholic schools are the values of: love, respect, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation and justice. These core beliefs are at the heart of all teaching and learning, promote positive behaviour and guide our school community to live out these values with a unity of purpose, whilst taking responsibility for our actions.
“Wellbeing is integral to learning excellence and ultimately to overall health and life success….A positive sense of wellbeing supports a base for rich learning that enables young people to flourish.” (HoH Wellbeing Foundation Statement)
At St. John XXIII we work to Engage, Connect and Enable all students to Learn.
We endeavour to maintain a safe, calm, compassionate and respectful school environment that allows education to take place in the best possible circumstances challenging learners to reach their full potential.
We expect learners to allow their teachers to teach and their classmates to learn.
We acknowledge the power of feedback and seek positive ways to encourage learners to meet behavioural and academic expectations.
We work with our school community to provide an inclusive learning environment that promotes student safety, wellbeing and good mental health through social and emotional learning.

Classroom Wellbeing Spaces
At St John XXIII’s Primary School we believe that each person’s wellbeing is paramount. It is nurtured through experiences of belonging, building relationships, being accepted and valued and by being positively engaged in the community. We endeavour to maintain a calm, compassionate and respectful school environment that allows education to take place in the best possible circumstances.
Our Wellbeing spaces are utilised as a resource to support students’ sensory and self regulation needs, assisting them in achieving their learning goals in conjunction with explicit teaching and a variety of wellbeing tools and resources.
Wellbeing Initiatives
The ongoing growth and development of Wellbeing in our learning community is fostered through:
A school-wide proactive, preventative and positively focussed Behaviour Management Plan
The weaving of explicit teaching of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) through all facets of the curriculum utilising a variety of programs including, but not limited to; Social Thinking Curriculum, Rights, Responsibilities and Respectful Relationships, Kelso’s Choices, Smiling Mind, Kids Helpline Education programs, Berry St Education Model and the Inquiry process.
A focus on developing skills in the four Capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum that are taught explicitly in and through the curriculum learning areas
Critical and Creative Thinking
Ethical Capabilities
Intercultural Capabilities
Personal and Social Capabilities
Student Leadership/Representative Council, Social Justice and Liturgy action teams bring the learner’s voices to life and supporting taking action in our local community
A focus on the development of the St. John XXIII School Dispositions; Collaboration, Resilience, Risk-taking, Responsibility, Reflective and Inquisitive. These are at the forefront of all learning opportunities at school and are promoted at home and in the wider community.
Explicit teaching focused on the development of a Growth Mindset from the research of Carol Dweck and the profound effect that a person’s mindset, or attitude about learning, can have on motivation and academic performance is a feature of every year level

Opportunities for faith development and engagement in the context of Faith Life Inquiry (F.L.I) and Stand Alone Religious Education.
The Alannah and Madeline Foundation Better Buddies Program between Prep and Year 6 students
The implementation of the eSmart Schools framework that guides policies, practices and whole-school change processes to integrate cyber safety practices and promote the safe use of online technology in our community.
Program Support Group Meetings (PSGs) where additional learning needs are supported by the Inclusion Leader and the classroom teacher to discuss and monitor learning plans with parents/guardians.
The provision of access to support through Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) consultant teams within the areas of Psychology, Speech Pathology or Educational/Behavioural and Academic support.
Wellbeing Focus Groups to gain feedback from the school community in regard to student wellbeing and student safety.
Provision of counselling and therapy groups by Cairnmillar Institute provisional or intern psychologists.
‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:1)

Onsite Counselling and Therapy Services

ACUA is pleased to offer Pediatric and Parent Counselling services at St John XXIII School. This includes General Counselling, Speech Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Development Therapy. You can book your child in for appointment during their school day. Please click the link to learn more.
Follow the link to make a booking https://www.acua.com.au/in-school-counselling